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We're governed by our Parish Council:
Hannah Fries, Moderator
Sheela Clary, Treasurer
Jenny Daily

Our Pastor is Rev. Liz Goodman.


Our members join to share our lives with one another and to take responsibility for the ongoing ministry of this church, which has been serving for the sake of the Gospel since 1750.



Most of our worshiping congregation on any given Sunday aren't formal members, gathering simply to be together in the Spirit--in word, song, prayer, and silence.


All are welcome here.


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Rev. Liz Goodman

Liz has been pastor here since 2001. A lifelong member of the United Church of Christ, she also serves at Church on the Hill, in Lenox, near where she lives with her husband, their kids, and their dogs. To be in touch with her, please email her or call the church office at 413-329-3026.

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